Low Vision Speaker Series

The Event

This series of three free webinars is designed for optometrists, low vision specialists, ophthalmologists and other vision care practitioners.

The Sessions

Using Low Vision Assessment to Explore Patient-Identified Challenges and Possible Solutions

Julia Foster, MScOT

April 30, 2024, 7-8 PM EST

This interactive, case-based presentation will explore low vision assessment, specifically:

  • The role of the low vision assessment (LVA) in the continuum of eye health care and low vision/blindness rehabilitation
  • Components of low vision rehabilitation assessment
  • Case scenarios that explore applying LVA results to:
    • Connect visual function with client-identified concerns
    • Inform education to clients/families
    • Shape a rehabilitation plan and identify potential low vision aids/strategies
  • Questions to reflect on your connection to low vision/blindness rehabilitation

Register for “If My Vision [Acuity] is so Good, Why Can’t I …?” Using Low Vision Assessment to Explore Client-Identified Challenges and Possible Solutions””

Custom Prosthetic Eyes – Everyone is Unique

Andra Striowski, PhD, BCO

May 7, 2024, 7-8 PM EST

Join us to hear ocularist Andra Striowski describe the creation of custom-fit, handcrafted prosthetic eyes. Witness the transformation of medical necessity into a personalized work of art, as Andra takes you through the meticulous process of crafting these unique devices. Through real-life cases, you’ll see how an ocularist adapts the shape of the prosthesis to manage various orbital disorders. You’ll gain insights into the challenges and triumphs of mitigating conditions like lid entropion, ptosis, and proptosis. Come and learn how such services can make a difference in the lives of your patients.

Register for “Custom Prosthetic Eyes – Everyone is Unique”

Psychosocial Challenges Associated with Sight Loss

Dr. Virginia “Ginny” Duff, MD, FRCPC

May 14, 2024, 7-8 PM EST

This interactive presentation will discuss:

  • Understanding the emotional reactions related to vision loss.
  • The emotional challenges involved in diagnosing a condition that will inevitably lead to substantial vision loss. The challenge as a health care provider delivering devastating news.
  • Helping your patients start on the journey toward acceptance and successful adaptation.
  • Do’s and Don’t in dealing with a patient with vision loss in your office.

Register for “Psychosocial Challenges Associated with Sight Loss”

Ginny Duff

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